
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Blog Post #5: Antiwar

 I feel like sites like these often get shadow banned and/or blacklisted due to the fact that they often contain information that could paint the government in a negative light. Even though, under the first amendment, speech against the government is protected. However, as we can clearly see with the recent online censorship problems, Freedom of Speech doesn't seem to carry as much weight as it used to. These websites, especially the first one, seem to expose and show the people the side of the US military that the government doesn't really want you to see. The second site, The American Conservative, seems to be a sort of "gateway" site that contains little snippets of artticles by different authors. 

I think the biggest reason that these websites aren't in the mainstream media is due to the fact that they show information that the government wouldn't necessarily want the people to see. Due to the nature of the articles, the government would prefer for the people to see them due to the fact that it shows a negative side of the government.

Another big reason that their aren't many really big antiwar movements is due to the kind of enemies that the US has been fighting recently. The majority of anti war/anti terrorism over the last 10 years has been domestic. This causes and interesting dynamic between anti war protesters and the people they are protesting against. If an act of domestic terrorism occurs and a group goes out and protests against war, unlike during the times of Afghanistan and Iraq, you are protesting against your fellow Americans. While Americans protesting against eachother is no
thing new, it certainly holds a different dynamic when it comes to specifically anti war protests

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