
Monday, September 26, 2022

Blog Post #4: EOTO


If you want to talk about recent major advancements in modern technology, there are few that are, simply put, as cool as Starlink. Elon Musk's latest project, Starlink, is a system of space satellites which have the sole purpose of providing high speed reliable internet to remote parts of the planet. When I say recent, I do mean recent. As a matter of fact, the first Starlink satellite launched in 2019. Not only did Starlink launch its first satellite only a few years ago, there was actually a Starlink launch just the other day on Saturday, September 24th. It is very cool to know that there is such a large-scale operation, that is meant for the betterment of the globe, going on as we speak. Starlink is a rapidly growing global operation with, as of September 2022, over 2,300 satellites in Earth's orbit and over 500,00 subscribers across 32 different countries using the services provided.

The history of Starlink is a short story. Elon Musk, who has an exorbitant amount of money, decided that he wanted to venture into the world on satellite internet. As it was Elon Musk making this venture, he wasn't about to do it halfway. So he partnered with his own company, SpaceX, in a mission to use their rockets to launch Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO for short) to provide high speed satellite internet to as many people as possible. While there is no "problem" per say that Starlink is solving. What it is doing is making the world more connected, and in today's day and age nothing is more powerful than connections. As well as making the first world more connected, it is also making it possible for connections to be made to any more remote areas of the world. These remote places could even be in the middle of the ocean, or even on a plane flight across the world. 

Not only is Starlink quickly becoming one of the global leaders in high speed internet. It's doing so while not breaking the bank of its everyday customers. Starlink is remarkably cheap for what you are getting. For worldwide high speed satellite internet you pay $110/month, as well as a one time fee of $599 for the Starlink satellite that you will receive for your home. Don't make the mistake of thinking that Starlink is only for your home. Starlink also offers a plan for businesses as well as RVs and Boats (yes boats). While the RV plan is a similar rate ($135/month and one time fee of $599). The Maritime fee is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive ($5,000/month with a one time fee of $10,000 for two high performance satellites). 

However, Starlink is not without its problems. One of the main complaints is the lack of availability in urban environments, and even when connection is available, it is often slow due to the high number of people using the same satellite, Astronomers worry about the effect that the satellites will have on the visibility of the night sky (due to there being so many in LEO). Some scientists worry that the number of satellites that exist within the Earth's orbit could be a limiting factor when it comes to future deep space and potential shuttle launches. 

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