
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog Post #11: Someone else's EOTO 2

Machine learning is a rapidly growing topic and it will only continue to have a growing impact on our lives. Machine learning at its base is the process of a computer using software to complete human tasks and learn to think like a human without any human interference or help. The main purpose and goal for machine learning is to have AI become knowledgeable enough of the world in order to allow AI to act as a human and solve intellectual problems that normally a human would be solving. While there is certainly a possibilty of machine learning and AI go too far and become a sort of doomsday scenario, we are definitely not there yet. The main goal of machine learning is to deploy AI that exhibit intelligent and human like behavior. While AI certainly is and can be a good thing, we do definitely need to be careful in order to not go too far and lose control of our lives to the hands of AI

(I do apologize for there not being photos, but for some reason any time I try to upload a photo it fails and says it can't process the upload. Not sure why it's not working.)

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