
Monday, September 12, 2022

Blog Post #3 Eight Values of Free Expression

Reflect: When talking in class about the evolution of the First Amendment, there was emphasis placed on how the founding fathers inded for it to be vs what it is now. We talked at length about the Shield of First Amendment Protection and how there are things that are protected, like free speech, but also how there are certain exceptions to that rule, like threatening POTUS. The "Marketplace of Ideas" is a value that has existed in the US since the beginning. Recently we may have had some problems with falsehood being pushed ahead of the truth, but you could say that is the natural course of the truth and falsehood "freely grappling". It also is present in this value that by having the truth and falsehood "fighting" out in the open for the people to see, it makes the truth more palpable and strong.

Reflect: When it comes to the seventh of the eight values of free expression, promoting innovation, I think this might be the most consistent and apparent in American history. America has long been known as the innovation capital of the world. If you were only able to use one word to describe America, innovation would certainly be in the conversation. Check on Governmental Power is arguably the most important of the values because if the government is allowed to do whatever they want with no regulations then there is nothing to stop them from taking away all of the other values on this list. This value has been put into danger recently with the very high amounts of censorship that has gone on by the government recently. As we talked about in class the fact that the government has openly admitted to working with the FBI to help suppress and censor posts that put forward ideas that are contrary to the current administration feels like a blatant intrusion on our first amendment rights. Promoting Tolerance is obviously hugely present in our lives today. With all the recent racial turmoil our country has faced it is more present than I can ever remember. Race has been one of our country's longest standing issues and by increasing tolerance for all people we can move in the right direction.

Connect: I feel like the cross-country connection that has come along with the large-scale introduction of social media and other internet functions has largely helped to "Protect Dissent". Recently we have had some trouble with censorship, but the introduction of social media has allowed anyone, no matter how big, small, young, or old, to have a voice and make an impact and get their views out there. Because of this platform it has allowed all ideas of any kind to get out into the world. Of course there is some negative that comes along with the ability for anything to be seen, but it also allows thoughts or opinions that may otherwise not be heard, to be heard and given credibility.

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