
Monday, September 12, 2022

Blog Post #2

 1) This might come as a surprise to learn that I didn't know this, but I wasn't aware that the Supreme Court was established so early in our countries lifetime. I know that the SC was by no means a new thing, I just wasn't aware that it was founded in 1789.

2) I thought it was interesting that the chief justtice has the ability to decide who gets to write the report stating what the Supreme Courts' opinion is.

3) I was surprised to learn that even though it had its first meeting in February of 1790, they didn't actually hear any cases in their first term and that they were focused on organizational procedures.

4) It has made me realize even more how flawed the system behind appointment and continued service of justices is. It has become a more apparent problem that justices should be younger and more intune with the majority of the population.

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