
Monday, December 12, 2022

Final Blog Post

    I think it is more important than ever in this day and age to make sure you have boundaries and limits to the levels in which you let technology affect your life. While technology can most certainly serve as a tremendous resource, and has helped millions of people with millions of problems worldwide, it can also definitely cause problems. It is my opinion that too many people have too much of a reliance on technology in their daily lives. Too many people (especially the younger generations) would not know how to spend their time if you were to suddenly take technology out of their lives. While kids my age most certainly grew up with technology, we were born/growing up in that middle ground where it definitely existed but was not nearly as integrated into everyday life as it is now. I remember when the first iPhone came out, I remember when my brother had a slide phone and I thought it was so crazy. My generation feels like the last generation that was able to have a childhood that didn’t entirely revolve around technology. I think as I have grown and gotten older technology has continued to play an ever increasing role in my life. Especially now as a game design major it often feels as though technology is the center point of my life, like everything I do revolves around technology.

    I want to address the question you pose in the final blog post section of the Media Law and Lit blog in which you ask if we believe technology is taking up too much time in our daily lives. My answer to this would probably be yes. While I believe that I am justified in the amount of time I spend around technology due to being and school and my chosen major (game design), looking back on it, technology probably does play too big of a role in my life. However, one thing that helps me combat this is that every summer and winter I am able to take a trip to my grandparents' house in upstate New York. The house is far enough in the middle of nowhere that there is no cell service and the wifi there is typically not the best. The few weeks a year that I am there are a really refreshing reset and disconnect form the rest of the world. I am on my phone for maybe an hour total every day and spend the rest of my time having fun and spending time with my family. It is truly awesome to be able to completely unplug myself from the rest of the world and just enjoy time with my family and nature. Every year I find myself looking more and more forward to getting time to escape the technology filled real world

    While there are certainly negatives that go along with technology there are also most definitely positives. One great example is how technology allows us to communicate and keep in touch with friends or family that we may not get to see everyday. For example, one of my lifelong friends moved to Europe over the summer for school. Due to technology I have been able to keep in touch with him even with the 5-6 hour time difference between us. I have made friends through the internet (mainly video games) that live halfway across the world and that I will never meet. However, even with all the things that separate us we are still able to share and make memories together.

Final Blog Post

     I think it is more important than ever in this day and age to make sure you have boundaries and limits to the levels in which you let t...